Data - Search Taxa
Scientific name | Family | Species | Arch. dating | Preservation | Sum of macro | Frequency | Locality |
Atriplex patula | Chenopodiaceae | lebeda rozkladitá | rs.3 | watelogged | 4 | 0 | sites |
Ballota nigra | Lamiaceae | měrnice černá | rs.3 | watelogged | 1 | 0 | sites |
Cerealia | Poaceae | obilovina | rs.3 | charred | 7 | 0 | sites |
Euphorbia helioscopia | Euphorbiaceae | pryšec kolovratec | rs.3 | watelogged | 1 | 0 | sites |
Hordeum vulgare | Poaceae | ječmen obecný | rs.3 | watelogged | 2 | 0 | sites |
Lamium album | Lamiaceae | hluchavka bílá | rs.3 | watelogged | 3 | 0 | sites |
Lamium purpureum | Lamiaceae | hluchavka nachová | rs.3 | watelogged | 3 | 0 | sites |
Sambucus nigra | Caprifoliaceae | bez černý | rs.3 | watelogged | 12 | 0 | sites |
Stachys annua | Lamiaceae | čistec roční | rs.3 | watelogged | 5 | 0 | sites |
Thlaspi arvense | Brassicaceae | penízek rolní | rs.3 | watelogged | 1 | 0 | sites |
Triticum aestivum/compactum | Poaceae | pšenice setá s.l. | rs.3 | charred | 6 | 0 | sites |
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