Data - Search Taxa
Project EO-CESKA
Scientific name | Family | Species | Arch. dating | Preservation | Sum of macro | Frequency | Locality |
Adonis aestivalis | Ranunculaceae | hlaváček letní | vstred | watelogged | 1 | 0 | sites |
Agrostemma githago | Caryophyllaceae | koukol polní | vstred | watelogged | 2 | 0 | sites |
Anagallis arvensis | Primulaceae | drchnička rolní | vstred | watelogged | 1 | 0 | sites |
Anethum graveolens | Apiaceae | kopr vonný | vstred | watelogged | 1 | 0 | sites |
Anthemis arvensis | Asteraceae | rmen rolní | vstred | watelogged | 6 | 0 | sites |
Atriplex patula | Chenopodiaceae | lebeda rozkladitá | vstred | watelogged | 14 | 0 | sites |
Atriplex prostrata | Chenopodiaceae | lebeda hrálovitá | vstred | watelogged | 17 | 0 | sites |
Berteroa incana | Brassicaceae | šedivka šedá | vstred | watelogged | 1 | 0 | sites |
Carduus acanthoides | Asteraceae | bodlák obecný | vstred | watelogged | 1 | 0 | sites |
Carduus sp. | Asteraceae | bodlák | vstred | watelogged | 2 | 0 | sites |
Carex ovalis | Cyperaceae | ostřice zaječí | vstred | watelogged | 1 | 0 | sites |
Carex vesicaria | Cyperaceae | ostřice měchýřkatá | vstred | watelogged | 2 | 0 | sites |
Centaurea cyanus | Asteraceae | chrpa modrá | vstred | watelogged | 5 | 0 | sites |
Cirsium arvense | Asteraceae | pcháč oset | vstred | watelogged | 16 | 0 | sites |
Cirsium vulgare | Asteraceae | pcháč obecný | vstred | watelogged | 1 | 0 | sites |
Corylus avellana | Betulaceae | líska obecná | vstred | watelogged | 1 | 0 | sites |
Eleocharis palustris agg. | Cyperaceae | bahnička mokřadní | vstred | watelogged | 2 | 0 | sites |
Euphorbia helioscopia | Euphorbiaceae | pryšec kolovratec | vstred | watelogged | 1 | 0 | sites |
Fallopia convolvulus | Polygonaceae | opletka obecná | vstred | watelogged | 5 | 0 | sites |
Ficus carica | Moraceae | fíkovník smokvoň | vstred | watelogged | 5 | 0 | sites |
Fragaria vesca | Rosaceae | jahodník obecný | vstred | watelogged | 86 | 0 | sites |
Galium spurium | Rubiaceae | svízel pochybný | vstred | watelogged | 1 | 0 | sites |
Galium tricornutum | Rubiaceae | svízel trojrohý | vstred | watelogged | 1 | 0 | sites |
Geranium pratense | Geraniaceae | kakost luční | vstred | watelogged | 1 | 0 | sites |
Humulus lupulus | Cannabaceae | chmel otáčivý | vstred | watelogged | 1 | 0 | sites |
Hyoscyamus niger | Solanaceae | blín černý | vstred | watelogged | 1 | 0 | sites |
Juncus bufonius | Juncaceae | sítina žabí | vstred | watelogged | 1 | 0 | sites |
Malus domestica | Rosaceae | jabloň domácí | vstred | watelogged | 1 | 0 | sites |
Panicum miliaceum | Poaceae | proso seté | vstred | watelogged | 17 | 0 | sites |
Persicaria lapathifolia agg. | Polygonaceae | rdesno blešník | vstred | watelogged | 11 | 0 | sites |
Polygonum aviculare agg. | Polygonaceae | truskavec ptačí | vstred | watelogged | 41 | 0 | sites |
Portulaca oleracea | Portulacaceae | šrucha zelená pravá | vstred | watelogged | 1 | 0 | sites |
Prunella vulgaris | Lamiaceae | černohlávek obecný | vstred | watelogged | 5 | 0 | sites |
Ranunculus repens | Ranunculaceae | pryskyřník plazivý | vstred | watelogged | 6 | 0 | sites |
Reseda lutea | Resedaceae | rýt žlutý | vstred | watelogged | 2 | 0 | sites |
Rubus fruticosus agg. | Rosaceae | ostružiník křovitý | vstred | watelogged | 4 | 0 | sites |
Rubus idaeus | Rosaceae | ostružiník maliník (maliník) | vstred | watelogged | 7 | 0 | sites |
Salvia verticillata | Lamiaceae | šalvěj přeslenitá | vstred | watelogged | 1 | 0 | sites |
Scleranthus annuus | Caryophyllaceae | chmerek roční | vstred | watelogged | 2 | 0 | sites |
Setaria pumila | Poaceae | bér sivý | vstred | watelogged | 4 | 0 | sites |
Solanum nigrum | Solanaceae | lilek černý | vstred | watelogged | 54 | 0 | sites |
Stachys arvensis | Lamiaceae | čistec rolní | vstred | watelogged | 5 | 0 | sites |
Stachys palustris | Lamiaceae | čistec bahenní | vstred | watelogged | 1 | 0 | sites |
Thlaspi arvense | Brassicaceae | penízek rolní | vstred | watelogged | 1 | 0 | sites |
Urtica dioica | Urticaceae | kopřiva dvoudomá | vstred | watelogged | 1 | 0 | sites |
Valerianella dentata | Valerianaceae | kozlíček zubatý | vstred | watelogged | 11 | 0 | sites |
Vitis vinifera | Vitaceae | réva vinná | vstred | watelogged | 6 | 0 | sites |
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