Data - Search Taxa
Detail PK-KroFran_ppole
Scientific name | Family | Species | Arch. dating | Preservation | Sum of macro | Frequency | Locality |
Agrostemma githago | Caryophyllaceae | koukol polní | ppole | charred | 5 | 0 | sites |
Asperula arvensis | Rubiaceae | mařinka rolní | ppole | charred | 1 | 0 | sites |
Avena sp. | Poaceae | oves | ppole | charred | 2 | 0 | sites |
Bromus secalinus | Poaceae | sveřep stoklasa pravý | ppole | charred | 13 | 0 | sites |
Bromus sp. | Poaceae | sveřep | ppole | charred | 10 | 0 | sites |
Bromus sterilis | Poaceae | sveřep jalový | ppole | charred | 2 | 0 | sites |
Camelina microcarpa | Brassicaceae | lnička drobnoplodá | ppole | charred | 18 | 0 | sites |
Carex muricata agg. | Cyperaceae | ostřice měkkoostenná aggr. | ppole | charred | 1 | 0 | sites |
Cerealia | Poaceae | obilovina | ppole | charred | 999 | 0 | sites |
Corylus avellana | Betulaceae | líska obecná | ppole | charred | 2 | 0 | sites |
Digitaria sanguinalis | Poaceae | rosička krvavá | ppole | charred | 1 | 0 | sites |
Echinochloa crus-galli | Poaceae | ježatka kuří noha | ppole | charred | 10 | 0 | sites |
Echium vulgare | Boraginaceae | hadinec obecný | ppole | charred | 9 | 0 | sites |
Fallopia convolvulus | Polygonaceae | opletka obecná | ppole | charred | 57 | 0 | sites |
Galium aparine | Rubiaceae | svízel přítula | ppole | charred | 10 | 0 | sites |
Galium sp. | Rubiaceae | svízel | ppole | charred | 1 | 0 | sites |
Galium spurium | Rubiaceae | svízel pochybný | ppole | charred | 165 | 0 | sites |
Hordeum vulgare | Poaceae | ječmen obecný | ppole | charred | 36 | 0 | sites |
Hyoscyamus niger | Solanaceae | blín černý | ppole | charred | 2 | 0 | sites |
Lamium amplexicaule | Lamiaceae | hluchavka objímavá | ppole | charred | 1 | 0 | sites |
Lapsana communis | Asteraceae | kapustka obecná | ppole | charred | 4 | 0 | sites |
Lens culinaris | Fabaceae | čočka kuchyňská | ppole | charred | 12 | 0 | sites |
Linum usitatissimum | Linaceae | len setý | ppole | charred | 127 | 0 | sites |
Lolium temulentum | Poaceae | jílek mámivý | ppole | charred | 2 | 0 | sites |
Malva sp. | Malvaceae | sléz | ppole | charred | 2 | 0 | sites |
Onopordum acanthium | Asteraceae | ostropes trubil | ppole | charred | 1 | 0 | sites |
Panicum miliaceum | Poaceae | proso seté | ppole | charred | 2018 | 0 | sites |
Papaver somniferum | Papaveraceae | mák setý | ppole | charred | 4 | 0 | sites |
Persicaria lapathifolia agg. | Polygonaceae | rdesno blešník | ppole | charred | 14 | 0 | sites |
Persicaria maculosa | Polygonaceae | rdesno červivec | ppole | charred | 11 | 0 | sites |
Plantago lanceolata | Plantaginaceae | jitrocel kopinatý | ppole | charred | 2 | 0 | sites |
Polygonum aviculare agg. | Polygonaceae | truskavec ptačí | ppole | charred | 6 | 0 | sites |
Polygonum sp. | Polygonaceae | truskavec (rdesno) | ppole | charred | 1 | 0 | sites |
Prunus spinosa | Rosaceae | trnka obecná (trnka) | ppole | charred | 2 | 0 | sites |
Pyrus pyraster | Rosaceae | hrušeň polnička | ppole | charred | 1 | 0 | sites |
Rumex acetosa | Polygonaceae | šťovík kyselý | ppole | charred | 1 | 0 | sites |
Rumex sp. | Polygonaceae | šťovík | ppole | charred | 2 | 0 | sites |
Sambucus ebulus | Caprifoliaceae | bez chebdí | ppole | charred | 2 | 0 | sites |
Sambucus nigra | Caprifoliaceae | bez černý | ppole | charred | 7 | 0 | sites |
Setaria pumila | Poaceae | bér sivý | ppole | charred | 39 | 0 | sites |
Setaria verticillata/viridis | Poaceae | bér přeslenitý/zelený | ppole | charred | 2 | 0 | sites |
Setaria viridis | Poaceae | bér zelený | ppole | charred | 4 | 0 | sites |
Solanum nigrum | Solanaceae | lilek černý | ppole | charred | 6 | 0 | sites |
Triticum dicoccum | Poaceae | pšenice dvouzrnka | ppole | charred | 165 | 0 | sites |
Triticum monococcum | Poaceae | pšenice jednozrnka | ppole | charred | 3 | 0 | sites |
Triticum sp. | Poaceae | pšenice | ppole | charred | 4 | 0 | sites |
Urtica urens | Urticaceae | kopřiva žahavka | ppole | charred | 1 | 0 | sites |
Veronica hederifolia | Scrophulariaceae | rozrazil břečťanolistý | ppole | charred | 7 | 0 | sites |
Vicia faba | Fabaceae | bob obecný | ppole | charred | 16 | 0 | sites |
Vicia sp. | Fabaceae | vikev, bob | ppole | charred | 10 | 0 | sites |
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